National Director of Nursing since 2021, has collaborated with Diaverum since 2004 at the Aveiro Unit, Head Nurse of that same Unit between 2010 and 2021 and between 2018 and 2021 served as Regional Nursing Coordinator for the Center/North of the country.

Graduated in Nursing since 2003. She worked as a Nurse in the Operating Room of the Aveiro Hospital between 2004 and 2010, Postgraduate in Anesthesiology Nursing from ICBAS in 2008, Master in Health Management and Economics from FEUC in 2015, focusing on “Quality of Health Services – Hemodialysis in Portugal”. In 2022 he completed his Executive MBA at the same college. Currently a Master's student in the Specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing – People with Chronic Illness at the University of Aveiro.  '

Its great value is the excellent care that Diaverum's Nursing teams provide to our patients, thus contributing to them having a better Quality of life.